
The "Sitz Treppe" is a flexible system of seating modules for the public area, which was created in a competition organized by the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart. The goal was to make the space called “kleiner Schlossplatz” behind the museum in Stuttgart more attractive and to provide places to sit and relax. Due to a triangular basic grid, various landscapes, islands and grandstands can be created. Inspired by the much-used stairs in front of the Kunstmusems and the shape of worn stairs, various seating modules were developed. Organically shaped tubes of steel, bent by CNC, create seats, backrests and loungers. The tubular structures with their shadows are based on the facade of the Kunstmuseum and its reflection in a statue in front of it, thus
the square is visually connecting with the building.
// in Cooperation with
David Gebka
// in Cooperation with
David Gebka