
Bionics Kit
In a team with David Gebka we have developed an interactive educational concept for schools on behalf of Festo‘s Bionic Learning Network . Based on Festo‘s bionics projects, a modular system was been created that makes it possible to integrate bionics into lessons at schools. From extensive research, to model building, I developed a prototype and a holistic concept on a sound basis with an open-source idea, as well as a teaching platform.
On this basis, the „Bionics Kit“ was prepared for production and finally produced under the slogan Bionics4Education by the Bionic Learning Network and Festo Didactic.
// In cooperation with Festo


Bionics Flower
The Bionic Flower is a robotic flower inspired by the plant world. It opens and closes its petals based on external stimuli such as proximity or light. These mechanisms are replicated with sensors and actuators and can be learned in a playful way by students in the classroom. The design, with its similarities to the natural model, and the transfer of principles from the plant world to technology by means of scientific and technical questions complete the teaching of curriculum topics in STEM education (mathematics, information technology, natural sciences, technology).
// in employment at Festo Didactic SE